Monday, November 4, 2019

2019 - Busy busy busy


One would think I'd dropped off the face of the earth. Instead I'm just really really busy. I'm busy at work making Genetic Sequencers become cheap. I'm busy at home helping my boys learn about dungeons and dragons, and I'm busy with my girls teaching them to read. I'm busy working on my game with Anton and Mordecai. I've got a loot system in place but it needs polishing and basic attack system is working but it also needs polish and lots of more cool moves. I'm busy avoiding listening to Trump on the radio. I'm busy trying to relax sometimes. My wife broke her leg this year and its better now, but that kept me busy being daddy/mommy. So yeah. So busy this year. But fun. Went to Italy with my wife. Played a lot of board games. I highly recommend Lords of Waterdeep, and Asara.
