Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And in Other news

In other news, I've really been playing Champions Online's early plotline and enjoying it. I've also been playing Lotro and did the Moria chapters with my captain Tordekel (some of them) solo and it is definitely nice to not wait for a group but it is a different experience solo and definitely not as much fun in certain ways. Still, while I think more options are alwyas better, I think groups should get better rewards as they do in DnDOnline.

As a side note, have you noticed the flood of free to play games lately? Two self styled "adult" ones just went Free to Play (Age of Conan and APB Cops and Robbers MMO) and Aion just launched a Free Trial program as well as Rift. I was tempted to try out the Aion and Rift ones, but... I dunno if I can handle another fantasy MMO right now. Maybe later. (Of course there will be better MMO's competing for my attention later ...:)) Now world of tanks, that's one I gotta try soon, I almost downloaded it this morning.

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